Vashon - Maury Island Land Trust
Annual Tree Sale
Ordering is closed, please check your confirmation email or see below for pick-up details. See you soon!
Order pick up: February 8, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm
Fisher Pond Warehouse, 12224 SW Bank Rd.
Online pre-sale orders only! No day-of purchases.
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After your order has been placed, you must sign up for a pickup time here.
DOUGLAS FIR (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - Dry
Sunlight: Sun - Shade
A rapid grower, Doug fir prefers full sun and well-drained soils. Once established, it can grow two to four feet per year and reach 200 to 300 feet as old growth. It provides excellent shelter for birds and wildlife and won’t suffer from deer browse. Because it tends to drop branches in heavy winds, it should not be planted near homes or buildings.
Below are the coniferous selections available during this year’s sale. All available species can be purchased here.
WESTERN RED CEDAR (Thuja plicata)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - Dry
Sunlight: Full shade - part sun
This native conifer is aromatic, very long-lived, and notably rot-resistant. It is slower growing than Douglas fir and tolerates shade. Red cedar reaches 200+ feet and is an excellent species for wetland or riparian areas or under-planting alders. Its large size is a reason to plant away from buildings and septic systems.
GRAND FIR (Abies grandis)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - Dry
Sunlight: Full sun - partial shade
Tall, straight tree growing to 80m tall. Similar habitat requirements to Douglas Fir. Deep roots make it resistant to toppling in the wind. Dense limb growth and wonderfully fragrant needles make it the ideal Christmas tree for those looking to grow their own.
WESTERN WHITE PINE (Pinus monticola)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - Dry
Sunlight: Full sun
White pine used to be much more common west of the Cascades but was nearly wiped out by the white pine blister rust, a fungus that was probably introduced from France in 1910. These seedlings were grown from rust-resistant seed stock. The needles are feathery and slightly blue, and the tree is very symmetrical.
Deciduous Trees
Below are the deciduous selections available during this year’s sale. All available species can be purchased here.
OREGON ASH (Fraxinus latifolia)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - Wet
Sunlight: Full sun - partial shade
A northwest native deciduous tree that grows 60 to 80 feet. This ash is a true wetland tree with bright green leaves that prefers damp, loose soils. This broad-crowned, shapely tree has a stout trunk and erect branches and is suitable for forest stands or open planting.
CASCARA (Frangula [Rhamnus] purshiana)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - Dry
Sunlight: Full sun - partial shade
Attractive in all seasons, Cascara's leaves look similar to dogwood and are bright green in spring, turning dark & glossy in summer and yellow fall foliage. Grows well in a woodland garden. Blooms May - June with fruits ripening Aug - Sept. Deer browse leaves occasionally; berries attract birds & small mammals. Prefers shady, rich, humusy soils & wetlands.
NOOTKA ROSE (Rosa nutkana)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - Dry
Sunlight: Full sun
Hardy rose growing up to 3m tall with fragrant pink blossoms. Grows in a variety of open habitats, including shorelines, meadows, thickets, streamside areas, roadsides, and clearings. Competes well with Himalayan Blackberry
Below are all other plants available during this year’s sale. All available species can be purchased here.
RED FLOWERING CURRANT (Ribes sanguineum)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Dry - Moist
Sunlight: Sun - part shade
Perhaps our region’s most famous flowering shrub and a harbinger of hummingbirds in the spring. Flower color ranges from pink to bright red. Preferring open spaces, well-drained or even rocky soil, these plants may reach 9 feet or more. Fruit-loving birds favor the berries.
TWINBERRY (Lonicera involucrata)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Dry - Moist
Sunlight: Full - partial sun
A deer-resistant shrub that can grow up to 15’ high with beautiful tubular flowers in the spring. Local tribes have used its berries for generations for dyes and its bark for weaving. Its flowers attract a trove of pollinators which makes it a wonderful companion in any garden.
TALL OREGON GRAPE (Mahonia aquifolium)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Dry - Moist
Sunlight: Sun - Shade
A shrub widely used for its evergreen leaves; compact, upright habit; and ease of care. Purple fruit follows sulfur yellow flowers in early spring (the fruit is edible although very tart). This plant is suitable for shading out weeds without blocking views, as it is one of our few native evergreen shrubs that thrive in full sun, and is drought tolerant, and grows up to 10 feet.
SNOWBERRY (Symphoricarpos albus)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Dry - Moist
Sunlight: Sun - partial shade
This short shrub grows to six feet and is best planted densely in thickets. The small pink flowers attract hummingbirds all summer, and the snow-white berries are showy all winter. Tolerates various soil and sun conditions, and is deer-resistant to boot.
MOCK ORANGE (Philadelphus lewisii)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - dry
Sunlight: Sun - partial shade
Mock Orange gets its common name from the delicious orangey scent that makes it attractive to bees and humans. Flowering for several weeks starting in late May or early June, the tall, arching branches are covered with many snow-white blossoms. Grows to 4-6ft in full or partial sun. Philadelphus lewisii is adaptable to various soils and conditions and can be quite drought tolerant.
RED-OSIER DOGWOOD (Cornus sericea)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist
Sunlight: Full sun
This attractive woody shrub grows up to 15 feet tall and is named for the incredible red bark on new growth. It prefers full sun in moist sites but is adaptable to drier conditions once established. Looks best when massed together in groupings of three or more or in background borders.
OSOBERRY (Oemleria cerasiformis)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Dry - moist
Sunlight: Partial sun
Indian Plum ushers in spring with cheerful, greenish white flower clusters and lance-shaped bright green leaves. Grows up to 20ft – best in an open woodland garden - usually in non-wetland sites. Thrives in the shade of alders and maple. Small, edible stone fruits look like tiny plums and attract native birds and mammals alike. Pollinated by hummingbirds, butterflies, and native bees.
RED ELDERBERRY (Sambucus racemosa)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Dry - moist
Sunlight: Sun - partial sun
While toxic to humans, these berries are beloved by native wildlife! These deciduous shrubs can grow up to twenty feet with conical white flowers that give way to bright red berries. This is a versatile plant that can grow in full sun to partial shade in soils ranging from dry to moist. Attracts birds and pollinators galore.
VINE MAPLE (Sambucus racemosa)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist
Sunlight: Partial sun - partial shade
Our favorite native maple for home landscapes grows as a single trunk, small tree in full sun, or as a many-trunk shrub in shade. It has excellent soil-binding roots and provides food and cover for wildlife while yielding beautiful yellow to red fall color. Showy clusters of wine-colored flowers appear before leaves in spring. Prefers moist soil and partial shade but is adaptable to sunnier sites. Can grow up to 15 ft.
DOUGLAS SPIREA (Spiraea douglasii)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Moist - wet
Sunlight: Full sun - partial sun
A beautiful native deciduous shrub that grows 3 to 8 feet tall and can tolerate salt spray in shoreline plantings. It does best in wet conditions in full or partial sun but can withstand drought once established. Its showy pink flowers attract butterflies and bees.
OCEANSPRAY (Holodiscus discolor)
$12/bundle of 5
Soil: Dry/Moist
Sunlight: Sun - shade
Multi-stemmed upright shrub with ridged young stems and arching older stems with peeling bark. White flowers in dense pyramidal cluster will appear May - June. This shrub will grow up to 13 feet in a mostly sunny location with gravelly, well-drained soil.