Unlike many other Land Trusts across the county, the Vashon Land Trust has preferred to buy and manage land for public benefit (as opposed to focusing on the donation of conservation easements on private land).
Owning land gives us full control for our very ambitious and successful habitat restoration program. It also allows us to create reasonable access to our lands – which is critical to meeting our equity goals.
Increasingly, landowners are choosing to donate land. The Land Trust is uniquely equipped to handle the donation of your land, whether now or in your will.
We are currently focused on two conservation programs:
Seven over Seventy is an attempt to conserve large tracts of land – seven private holdings over seventy acres in size.
The Four Creeks Campaign focuses conservation efforts on four of Vashon’s largest creeks: Shinglemill, Judd, Christensen, and Tahlequah.
We are deeply grateful for the leadership and tenacity of King County in partnering with the Vashon Land Trust on the conservation of Vashon and Maury Islands.