Vashon 101 Starts Up Again

The Vashon Heritage Museum recently announced the revival of “Vashon 101,” a series of online classes about the natural and cultural history of the Island.  Of special interest to landowners may be the winter section of the series, which focuses on Vashon’s geology and ecology from prehistoric times to the present.

Why should you, as a landowner, care about these big, Island-wide topics?  Because no matter how small your piece of the Island may be, it’s affected by much larger forces over time and space.  It participates in those forces.  On a simpler level, who wouldn’t want to know what may have happened in their home landscape in the past? This knowledge could help direct landowners who care to build an ecologically healthier and more sustainable life-world on their slice of The Rock.

According to a recent VHM e-newsletter, classes in the series will be every second Thursday of the month beginning in January, at 7 pm on Zoom. The slate of instructors for the course features Island academics and researchers. Island resident and UW prof Patrick Christie will coordinate. Details about registration for the course are forthcoming, said the newsletter.

Tom Amorose

Tom is a board member and forest stewardship aficionado. He serves on the Land Trust’s Stewardship, Farm, Conservation, and Executive Committees.


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